Lately I have been thinking about what it means to truly create alchemy and transform the “lead” of our lives into “gold.”
There’s seems to be “lead” everywhere, especially lately. Some things are truly toxic and need to be burned away and let go from our lives. While others things are rich with potential just waiting to be transformed into something of higher value. Not an easy feat but possible.
I believe there is true gold within us all. Gifts and talents we are called to express if we can work through our conditioning that tells us what we value has less value than what society deems as valuable.
One of the reasons why I am so passionate about Scientific Hand Analysis is that when people show me their hands I am able to show them the true gold within them that is waiting to be transformed — their rich, untapped potential.
What is true gold? It is different for every person and business. It may look similar to others but it will always be your unique expression of it.
True gold could be learning to love and appreciate yourself, perhaps for the very first time. Better relationships with your kids. A job or business you absolutely love that compensates you well for your services. Finally having clarity on your message and branding of your business. Creating long-term financial investments. Taking that dream vacation you put off for too long. Moving to be closer to the water. Taking that acting class you have always wanted to take. It’s about what brings you true soul satisfaction, and having the commitment to go for it and do what is required.
For me, my ‘lead’ was my intuition and that I just know things I can’t rationally explain, like following my intuition to save someone from drowning. It used to be I did my best to hide my intuition. Now I am owning it, and the more I own it, the more it becomes true gold to me, something of precious value to me that I can use for myself, and for my clients.
It is a process to shift, and begins with the small things and your willingness to stick with it when things get tough, so hang in there when you are tested.
What is your true gold? What is waiting to be transformed within you, from ordinary to extraordinary?
True gold. It’s within you.
Need help identifying what is waiting to be transformed within you? Let’s talk.