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If there was a theme for me for 2017, it would be letting go to let new in again.

Can you relate?

After 26 years of living in Atlanta, GA, I recently moved to Richmond, VA, to begin a new season in my life.

I have been here a month and a half, and while #livingoutsidemycomfortzoneismynewnorm is my new motto, I am still in the process of figuring things out, and what that exactly looks like.

Change can be scary, even if you choose it.

This year I’ve purged, donated, threw out, gave away or sold much of my previous life. And, not just things but thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve me.

When I first began the process of clearing things out, I asked myself for each object, “do I love this enough to want to pay to move it?” It was a very simple, yet powerful question, that helped me clarify what I was bringing with me.

Later in the process, the question became “do I want this in the next season of my life?” That question enabled me to let go of more things that were no longer in alignment with who I am today and who I am becoming.

Letting go and leaving Atlanta was not an easy decision, or one that I made in haste.

Although Atlanta had been my home for a long time, I knew in my heart it was time to make changes. But I didn’t have a clue where to go, so I stayed.

A near-death experience in a lake, a business partnership implosion, a burglary, along with other events the past two years, helped me realize it was time to make changes, personally and professionally.

Professionally, it led me to including Scientific Hand Analysis as a service, and combining it with my Creative Services, to help folks with their inner and outer branding, for life and business.

Through research, soul searching, understanding my Human Design, and some serendipitous events, I chose Richmond.

So far, I love Richmond. But it’s still an adjustment and sometimes I still get frustrated that everything is so new to me. I know this will all change in time.

We need to evolve if we intend to keep growing and living. Businesses evolve. People evolve. Brands evolve. Priorities evolve.

It’s part of life.

Do yourself a favor, and stop fighting and resisting it. Trust that life may have better options for you than you currently know. I tried the resistance thing, it didn’t go very well!

Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is let go, trusting that if you are willing to surrender and listen to that quiet voice within you that whispers your dreams, new will be shown that will lead you to a life richer than the one you are clinging to. But first you have to let go to let new in.

#livingoutsidemycomfortzoneismynewnorm will definitely challenge you. It may also pleasantly surprise you.

Let go + trust enough to surrender.


Do you need help knowing what to let go of? Has your business evolved but your branding hasn’t? Let’s talk. I can help you.



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