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As I write this, I have a pending contract on my home. If all goes well, the closing will be towards the end of September.

As part of the process of preparing my home to go on the market, I had a Feng Shui session with Jonni Vann to find out how I could maximize my home’s appeal to potential buyers using Feng Shui principles.

A simple question from Jonni about my shower curtain challenged me about how much I allow myself to be seen.

She said to me, “your bathroom is in the fame and reputation area but I notice you don’t have any fire there.”


She suggested that I get a new shower curtain with a pop of orange-red to bring some life to my bathroom, while showing potential buyers how to work with the existing 1960’s aqua tiles.

Even though I work with color, like everyone, I have my own blind spots. My shower curtain was a ho-hum tan one that I had overlooked for so long that I didn’t even notice it.

After going to several stores, I came home with some shower curtain options to check out.

One of them I liked a lot and felt like it may be a possibility so I sent a photo of it in my bathroom to Jonni.

She texted back asking if I loved it because when I had described it before she thought it would have more pizzazz.

And then she asked the question – how big are you in the world?

Um, I thought we were talking about shower curtains but that question struck a deeper chord within me.

I love helping my clients be seen more through branding/graphic design as well as hand analysis.

But like many of my clients, I struggle with allowing myself to be fully seen and can hide out if not consciously aware.

I took the shower curtain down and moved on to the next store the next day.

I am in the process of making really intentional changes and that question made me realize I do want to make a bigger impact that matches the changes I am intentionally making.

At the store the next day I found a shower curtain that I actually love! It’s bright, it’s beautiful, it has fire, it goes with the tile but is not matchy-match, and as Jonni said, “it feels more like the Elaine I know.”

We all have blind spots that we need help seeing in order to transform.

I am really good at helping my clients see their blind spots, while being compassionate because I am having to walk my talk with you. I understand the struggle of wanting to make a bigger difference by allowing yourself to be seen more as you truly are instead of hiding out with your gifts and talents and playing small.

Thank you Jonni for challenging me! If you need help with adding some spark to your home, I highly recommend working with Jonni! Visit to learn more.


Need help being seen more as the true you? I can help you get out of hiding.


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