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Give the gift of the magic within

Warmest greetings to you!

As we enter this gift-giving season, I’ve been thinking about the whole idea of giving gifts.

For some, giving gifts is natural. For others, it is not. You may sometimes give gifts because you feel obligated to, and not because you want, which makes the energy exchange of the gift giving feel heavy.

It may feel safer to give something that is expected than one truly from your heart and soul. But is it soul satisfying?

To give from your heart and soul you risk being vulnerable, and possibly being rejected.

I know I struggle with this, even though I have really been working on being vulnerable for a long time. It is a very scary thing that can have me running to take cover if I am not aware.

And, how do I receive gifts? Not as graciously as I may want to believe. I know this too, and continue to open myself up to receive with more expansiveness.

So, how does this apply to my life’s work? The giving and the receiving.

I know I have much to offer and want to share it with others. By willing to take a risk, be vulnerable and share more of me and my gifts, I have the opportunity to contribute positively and that feels good to me.

That is my driving force that helps me step out of my own shadows. My own box.

When we stay stuck in our box. We stay stuck. And nothing wonderful happens.

I know this from personal experience. Can you relate?

Understanding what is in my hands has helped me have more self-compassion when I choose to stay in the box.

When we do open ourselves up, as the true magnificent gift we were created to be and share, whether it’s a business opportunity, or a personal relationship, magic can happen.

The giver and the receiver can transform beautifully. Even if the exchange is a simple smile.

Know that you are the gift. It’s up to you whether you choose to fully give it, as well as receive the gifts from others.

Open that box and climb out. You are the gift, not the box. Give the gift of the magic within.

I write this as a reminder for myself. Perhaps it resonates with you too.

Wishing you a wonderful season of magical gifts. Given. And received.

I am offering some holiday gift offers to help support you being the gift that you already are, or for a loved one of yours. I invite you to check them out and share.


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