You can call them signs, hunches or intuition, but they are all around you if you are open to receiving them, and willing to take inspired action using the gained insight.
There are big signs, small signs, and signs in between.
Pay attention to them. They could be a solution to a business problem, an opportunity to reach out to a loved one, or to be there for someone in need.
Our society places so much emphasis on the mind and its analytical qualities, which have their rightful place, but they don’t compare to the wisdom of our deep inner knowing. Our intuition.
Because most of us have been programmed to not trust our intuition, we may need to develop and strengthen our intuitive muscles in order to truly benefit from it.
I was always highly intuitive but hid it for fear of being judged for it.
Following random signs that really didn’t make sense at the time I saved a young man from drowning in a private lake that I never met until that day and have never seen again.
In some way I must have heard the young man’s cries for help long before he actually had them. I now know that we know so much more than we realize, and since then have never doubted the value of listening to my intuition.
Trust your inner knowing.
In Scientific Hand Analysis, there are markings in the hands that indicate a potential for being highly intuitive, such as a moon star, a print in the moon zone of the palm of the hand, or a line of clairvoyance. I have almost all of them.
The next time you get a hunch to call someone out of the blue, do it. You may find out that person was thinking about you at that very moment. So simple but such a powerful reminder of how we are all truly connected.
This is the third blog post in a series of life lessons from the lake.