Recently I got new prescription glasses and sunglasses.
The lenses in my old glasses were really out of date, and my eyesight had actually improved.
But these new glasses represent so much more to me than just seeing clearer – while looking super cute in them! 😉
They are a metaphor, a literal visual reminder, to look at life through a new lens. A new lens of love. Of compassion. Of forgiveness. Of vibrant healing and wholeness. In a deeper and more miraculous way.
I’ve kept a low profile about this, but for the entire year of 2019, I’ve been dealing with a health situation.
It has consumed most of my time and energy, until just recently. Although I am still healing, I am feeling better and better every day. A new energy is rising and I am able to engage fully with life again.
So much has changed within me. This whole experience, while challenging, has taught me so much that only now am I beginning to fully grasp how much I have grown, and am continuing to grow.
It is a reminder we may not be able to control what happens sometimes, but we can control how we view things.
When I am tempted to engage in negative thought patterns, I remind myself that I am healing, and to keep my focus in the present moment, which is the only one we truly have, while having a vision for the future that is inspiring.
Sometimes I have to point to my glasses and remind myself, “new focus, sister, new focus.”
It’s hard to believe it is mid-August of 2019. I feel like the year is finally truly beginning for me! Yikes. My primary focus was on my health, and sometimes just making it through the day was my biggest focus.
While my new focus is still on health, I now have the space and capacity to have a renewed focus on business. I am super excited to be ’open‘ for business again!
I wanted to let you know this update. Let you know I am feeling better and better. And let you know I am here if I can help you with any of your branding needs.
One of my gifts is I find the brand in your hands, and help you bring it out more, in your life, and in your business. So if you are looking to brand, or rebrand your business, or your life, I’d love to have a conversation with you to see how best I can support you in reaching your goals.
Here’s to a future so bright I gotta wear shades. 😎