Everyone is a work of art, whether they realize it or not. Each person has their own unique soul design. Beautiful and magnificent.

Created to be more than what they’ve been conditioned to be.

Yet years of conditioning can build layers of masks and rules and obligations that can make one feel stuck and stonelike, trapping that beauty and magnificence within them.

I’ve always loved the story of Michelangelo sculpting his masterpiece David. It’s been reported that Michelangelo said he simply removed the stone that wasn’t David to reveal what was already there within it. (I think he may have done a bit more but I love the metaphor!)

Kinda sounds familiar.

One of the keys to living a more authentic life is removing the parts that aren’t the true you.

With awareness and action, some things fall away gently. Others take more effort. And than there’s plenty of things that feel like it takes a stick of dynamite or two to remove the old ways because you have been stuck and entrenched for so long.

With all the personal development I’ve done over the years, understanding how I am designed through Scientific Hand Analysis has helped me release things that I have layered upon myself to hide my true nature. And there are other things I am still in the process of removing or unlearning.

It is a work in progress to remove and chip away what isn’t to reveal the masterpiece within. You. Perfectly imperfect you that has always been there.

Have patience, as you are constantly evolving, in your own time and space. A living work of art. Feel the wonder in that.

Do you need help getting unstuck and are ready to do what it will take? I can help. Let’s talk.


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