It’s all a big adventure – Heart Art Expression
It’s all a big adventure!
Life. It’s all a big adventure.
The joys.
The sorrows.
The highs.
The lows.
And everything in between.
The straight lines that ended up going nowhere.
And the meandering ones where you thought you were lost, actually helped guide you home.
This is what this heart art expression is about.
Life celebrated in all its messy, chaotic brilliance and beauty.
When I remember that life is indeed a big adventure and can come from the sense of adventure in my heart, I can relax, loosen my grip on life, and enjoy the unfolding of life’s journey with curiosity and wonder.
What does a big adventure mean to your heart?
Reds, pinks, oranges, yellow, blue, teal, brown, black, and white in layered patterns and textures.
Elaine Callahan
• 22 x 22 fluid acrylic original painting on watercolor paper.