Do what lights you up – Heart Art Expression


Do what lights you up!

This art was inspired by the fabulous Tina Turner and the energy and passion she brought to life that she shared with the world.

I looked up her Human Design and focused on creating the energy of her design which was fun to do.

She was a 5/1 Manifesting Generator with Emotional Authority. Which means she had a magnetic life force, here to do multiple things that absolutely lit her up. When she came from that energy, she was an energetic force of fire and passion, able to help others to feel deeply connected to her, was charismatic when she followed her gut, brought heart and community together through her presence and music, was a master in her field of genius, here to impact many through her art, and her biggest challenge was letting go of things no longer healthy for her.

And, of course, I listened to Tina Turner music on Spotify while painting this.

Energetic reds, yellow, black, white, and blue on a multi-layered gold iridescent background.

Elaine Callahan

• 22 x 22 fluid acrylic original painting on watercolor paper.