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I have a plant named Benjamin.

It is a large plant my brother Tom calls the plant of life, which is actually a papyrus plant. He calls it the plant of life as Benjamin comes from the original plant that is over 40 years old and still thriving.

The plant often reflects the well-being of the owner.

Benjamin was in the sunroom of my apartment. He grew tall and full yet had never been outside and had the wind blow through it to make it stronger.

When I moved to DC, I put him on the deck outside, knowing he would have an adjustment period.

Last week, he looked like how I felt in a new city and a new home with much change going on. Very bedraggled and rather overwhelmed looking.

I had to cut down much of the plant that previously had leaned against the wall in the apartment. It didn’t have the strength to support itself in the open air, so the stems flopped to the ground, many of them breaking.

My brother assured me there would be new growth and the new growth would be stronger because it would adapt to the wind and weather outside. That it would grow again and be even healthier. I initially didn’t want to cut anything. I was attached to the idea of what Benjamin looked like before. To me, cutting him would mean I failed. I know, a crazy idea.

And yet, one week here, the new shoots are now beginning to appear. He is still a bit bedraggled yet not nearly as much.

I am trusting that the new shoots in my life are beginning to appear as well. My job is to “water” myself with trust and faith, believing I too can grow even more vibrant and healthier than before in a new environment.


















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