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LIFE PURPOSE: Success, Results, “The Doer”
LIFE LESSON: Failure, Frustration, Incompletion

We use our thumbs to oppose our world in order to manifest. Thumbs represent our ability to bring things into existence.

On the master path, the right thumb is all about success, results, and is “the doer”. The master path feels good and on purpose.

Someone with a right thumb purpose is the high achiever in any field, whether it be the CEO, the quarterback on the football team, or the lead in a play. They are happiest when creating tangible results, taking personal responsibility for completing things, and learning new skills which they use.

On the student path, it is about failure, frustration, and incompletion. The student path doesn’t feel good, it feels yucky, and you are in your life lesson.

When someone has the right thumb as their life lesson, they can have unclear goals, feelings of failure, no systems or plans in place, stops short of success, lets success ruin the rest of their life, and/or are following someone else’s goals and dreams for them.

Whether you have the right thumb as a life purpose, or life lesson, below are some simple tips to help you be on the master path.

Create an actual plan, system or strategy for you to be able to achieve your goals
People with a right thumb purpose LOVE to-do lists. When I tell this to right thumb folks they often lean in and whisper, “yes, and sometimes I put things on my to-do list just so I can cross them off the list and feel a sense of accomplishment.” Yup, I get that. I am a right thumb person too, and I do the same thing! But be mindful of what you are putting on your list and what is your intention for the day? Are you blindly doing things to cross them off your list for short-term satisfaction, or do you have a plan of action to make things happen? And, who are you being in all your doing? If not conscious about your choices, your day will not feel successfully for you.

Create your own definition of success
Society will gladly tell you what success is and what it looks like. But does that match your vision of success? Do you even have a clear vision of what success looks like for you? Success looks different to each person. Are you still following your parent’s idea of what success is suppose to look like? Maybe it’s time to write your own version.

Finish up those unfinished projects, or let them go
In a hand session I often ask a person with a right thumb purpose or lesson if they have a long list of unfinished tasks and projects. They almost always sheepishly say yes. Here’s the deal, all those unfinished things are leaking your precious energy. Come up with a plan (see tip number 1) to begin completing them, or consciously choose to let them go. Some folks unconsciously stop short of success. Maybe by being successful someone in their life will get mad at them. I recently asked in a hand session, “ so, who will get mad at you if you are successful?” The person didn’t miss a beat and immediately spoke a name. Are you be willing to give yourself full permission to deliciously succeed? You may find out you actually like it!

These are just three tips for the right thumb. Got any tips you want to share? Feel free to leave them in the comments below.

Don’t know if you have a right thumb life purpose or life lesson, and want to know? Let’s talk.



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