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Lately I’ve been contemplating, and putting into practice, building the bridge of both/and.

We live in such a divisive world.

You are either this, or you are that.

There is no middle ground. There is no way to bridge the gap.

It can be so confining, especially if you are not either this or that. (Writes the middle child that was always a bit different in the family.)

Both/and is expansive. It is inclusive. Coming from the mindset of both/and invites possibilities and solutions that aren’t possible with the mindset of only either/or.

There is the entire spectrum to create from, which is greatly needed now.

I am not the only one embracing both/and. Since last September when I started this journey, I’ve noticed it come up more in conversations and posts.

Have I been challenged to look at where I still hold on to the ideas of either/or? You bet.

Is practicing building the bridge of both/and transforming my mindset and helping open my heart more to new ways of being? Absolutely.

What bridges can you build using the mindset of both/and? I’d love to hear about it.


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