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Like so many, my heart feels weary and heavy. Again.

Too much hatred. Too much violence. All, too much.

A part of me wants to shut down, give up and just call it a day.

And another part of me says: rise up and begin again. Keep your heart open and allow the light to shine in the dark places within me, and in the world, so we may transform those places into the light.

The gift in so much contrast right now is this – we all know more darkness is not going to solve or heal things. It will only make things darker. However, out of the compost of our current humanity, a greater call for love, respect and acceptance can arise.

It is our choice how we can continue to respond – with love, or with hate? Speak up, or remain silent? Begin again, or shut down?

You and I may have to begin again and again to choose love over hate. To truly shine, we must look at our own darkness in our hearts. What are my prejudices? Who or what do I hate? Who do I view as inferior to me?

If we look to nature, we can see the gift and power in the richness of diversity. That is true of humanity as well. Regardless of race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, politics (which is my personal struggle), or anything else, we are more alike at our core than we are different, yet it is our diversity that makes this world so amazingly beautiful. We are so interconnected that when we hurt another, we hurt ourselves. That is why we feel so much pain right now. Enough, already.

It is important to feel your feelings. Feel your grief, your sadness and your rage. Let those feelings give way to be the catalyst for constructive action, hopefully for more love, respect and acceptance for all.

Be the light the world needs right now, and what you may need right now, too. Reach out to help others who are suffering and their hearts are growing dimmer. Love is the greatest power there is.

In love and light,


Copyright: rashevskiy / 123RF Stock Photo


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