Hello. I know it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me.
Maybe you too have been feeling it has been another very strange year.
Programs or services I’ve wanted to offer have been tabled repeatedly due to it not being the right time. A bigger vision has felt on hold. I’ve had to learn to trust the delays, listen to my inner design and not push.
One thing that has remained constant this year has been creating what I call Heart Art Expressions. It started as one painting and is now 30 and counting. Along the way I’ve come to appreciate the gifts I have received from saying yes to this adventure, and the gifts collectors are receiving by having them in their homes.
For each Heart Art Expression, sacred space is created first for it to be fully called into creation with intention, inspiration, and love.
As a recovering perfectionist and control freak, it’s been exciting, and terrifying at the same time, to surrender to painting completely by intuition.
The gifts I have received in creating them is my heart has been changed. To hold the space for all the intentions to flow, I had to change. Creating the art has helped me heal my heart and open and soften it in ways I wasn’t expecting.
And the feedback I’ve gotten from collectors is that their hearts have been transformed too.
One collector recently shared, “I love the gentle, powerful energy that comes from my Heart Art Expression. It’s always there, shining. Every time I look at it, it makes me happy. I feel more gentle and loving overall. T. has been more loving and complimentary than he has been in years!
I think of my Heart Art Expression as one of those paintings in Harry Potter. One part of it is in my living room and it’s connected to another place where all the love is. Or it’s like a radio receiver pulling the love waves from the air and transmitting them. Thank you again.”
If you are looking for a unique and lasting gift this holiday season that keeps giving long after the investment, I invite you to check out the current Heart Art Expressions available to gift. Or, if you want one created especially for a loved one, let’s have a conversation and create one together.
No matter how crazy things may seem in the world now, may we all remember we always have a choice. May we choose love over fear.