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Being A Light is My Global Vision

I thought about this painting of mine today. It’s of the La Boca area in Buenos Aires, Argentina. While I was initially attracted to the composition of the light bulbs against the urban background, it was the meaning to me that was more compelling. Later in the day I...

Begin Again to Love

Like so many, my heart feels weary and heavy. Again. Too much hatred. Too much violence. All, too much. A part of me wants to shut down, give up and just call it a day. And another part of me says: rise up and begin again. Keep your heart open and allow the light to...

How a Question About My Shower Curtain Challenged Me

As I write this, I have a pending contract on my home. If all goes well, the closing will be towards the end of September. As part of the process of preparing my home to go on the market, I had a Feng Shui session with Jonni Vann to find out how I could maximize my...