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Imperfect Action Gets Results, Perfectionism Does Not

I have a confession to make. I am a recovering perfectionist. At my best, I want to give the highest level of excellence to everything I do. At my worst, it is just plain crazy-making that keeps me stuck and unable to take the necessary actions. Can you relate? One...

Sometimes You Have to Leave the Safety of the Shoreline

The shoreline is a good metaphor for life. Like standing on a beach, sometimes staying safely on the shoreline of life is the wisest thing to do. Other times it is not. You have to ask yourself, where do I make the most positive impact, for myself and others, safely...

Signs are All Around Us, Pay Attention to Them

You can call them signs, hunches or intuition, but they are all around you if you are open to receiving them, and willing to take inspired action using the gained insight. There are big signs, small signs, and signs in between. Pay attention to them. They could be a...

Compassion is the Great Equalizer

Originally a Facebook post, I decided to also share it here. Hey. I’ve been thinking about the state of our country and the world, and wanted to share part of my experience in the lake because it is a good metaphor for now, and it is my deep belief that compassion is...